File #: 2016-0869    Version: Name: Ammunition - Purchase
File created: 12/13/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 1/3/2017 Final action: 12/27/2016
Title: Ammunition - Purchase
Attachments: 1. Copy of Orland Park Pd - Winchester 12-2016, 2. Illinois Contract


Ammunition - Purchase


The Police Department is requesting to make our annual ammunition purchase from Ray O’Herron Company.  The ammunition purchase will include .40 caliber for our Glock handguns, 5.56 for our M-4’s simunition training ammunition for the Glocks and shotgun beanbag ammunition for our less lethal shotguns.  The detailed list is attached.  The purchase is through the State of Illinois Ammunition Contract.


On December 19, 2016, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Safety Committee and referred to the Village Board for approval.


Financial Impact

$16,000.00 is budgeted for ammunition in the FY2017 budget under line item 010-7002-464500.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the purchase of ammunition from Ray O’Herron Company as outlined in the attached list at a price not to exceed $15,989.50