Sportsplex Main Stairs Renovation - Job Order Contract Proposal
The Sportsplex at 11351 W. 159th Street was opened in 2003. In 2008, excessive wear on the main lobby carpeting provided the opportunity to replace the 12’ broadloom carpeting with carpet tiles allowing easier replacement of damaged or worn areas. The stairway in the main lobby could not be replaced with carpet tiles. The stair nose and tread are exhibiting excessive wear and in need of replacement.
In order to facilitate the FY18 budgeted stair carpet replacement, staff requested the village’s architectural consultant, Studio GC, to provide comparative flooring options with estimated costs and durability. Studio GC provided a comparison (attached) between rubber tread and terrazzo tile. Two types of terrazzo tiles were explored. The more cost effective Fritztile terrazzo tile is the same tile in the Village Hall which has been in place since 1989.
The village requested Studio GC to obtain proposals for the stair renovation. The village has an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Naperville for Job Order Contract (JOC), where a competitive procurement process was awarded to F.H. Paschen, S. N. Nielsen & Associates, LLC of Chicago, Illinois. Studio GC requested pricing for the rubber tread and for the Fritztile based on the JOC from F.H. Paschen. The Village received the attached base proposals for the work. The Fritztile replacement cost is $23,834.34 and lasts four times as long. The rubber tread has a life expectancy of 10 years with a cost of $16,984.24, compared to the 40 year life of terrazzo tile. The total available budget for this project is $25,000.
Staff recommends proceeding with the base proposal JOC for the Sportsplex Main Stair Renovation using the Fritztile and to utilize the remaining budgeted funds as contingency.
The main lobby carpeting replacement is budgeted for replacement in FY2020.
On May 21, 2018, this item was reviewed by the Public Work...
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