File #: 2015-0259    Version: 0 Name: 151st Street – Ravinia Avenue to West Avenue Update - Presentation
File created: 4/15/2015 In control: Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee
On agenda: 4/20/2015 Final action: 4/20/2015
Title: /Name/Summary 151st Street - Ravinia Avenue to West Avenue Update - Presentation
Attachments: 1. Powerpoint Slides - CBBEL Presentation


151st Street - Ravinia Avenue to West Avenue Update - Presentation



In 2004 Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) was awarded a contract to design and provide construction documents for the widening and reconstruction of 151st Street from Ravinia Avenue to West Avenue. Included is the design of a new water main and storm sewer improvements.


On April 29, 2013 the Southwest Conference of Mayors (SCM) approved Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds for this project. SCM approved a maximum amount of 2 million dollars for construction. The total estimated amount for construction is $5.9 million. To receive Federal construction funding, design engineering must be approved by IDOT. CBBEL has completed the Phase I Engineering report and IDOT is currently in the final stages of Phase I approval. Once approved, Phase II Engineering can move forward. Phase II Engineering includes plan and specification preparation as well as right of way acquisition. As part of the construction funds approval, SCM approved funding for Phase I and II Engineering.


Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) is here tonight to update the Village on the status of the 151st Street reconstruction project from Ravinia Avenue to West Avenue.