Three (3) Ford Police Interceptor AWD Sedans - Bid Award
The 2018 Fiscal Year Budget includes the purchase of three (3) replacement unmarked vehicles for the Police Department. Legal notice for the three (3) Ford Police Interceptor AWD Sedans was published on the BidNet Direct website on Wednesday, April 18, 2018. Eight (8) organizations downloaded the bid documents and Three (3) sealed bids were opened by the Village Clerk’s office on Thursday, May 03, 2018 (bid tab attached).
Utilizing the Village’s Local Vendor Purchasing Policy, it is staff’s recommendation that the bid be awarded to Joe Rizza Ford of Orland Park for the purchase of three (3) 2018 Ford Police Interceptor AWD Sedans for an amount not to exceed $73,938.54. Rizza can deliver the three (3) Interceptors within 130 days after receipt of the order. In comparison the same sedan was priced utilizing the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC), which is $168.54 below the Rizza bid price. However, it should be noted that Rizza's price is within the Villages Local Vendor ordinance.
On May 21, 2018, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funds are available in account # 010-5006-470200 for the purchase of three (3) vehicles.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the bid for the purchase of three (3) 2018 Ford Police Interceptor AWD Sedans, from Joe Rizza Ford of Orland Park, Illinois for an amount not to exceed $73,938.54.