Main Pump Station High Service Pump #5 Emergency Repairs - Proposal
In mid-March, Pump #5, a 200 horsepower high service pump at the Main Pump Station (MPS) failed. This pump is one of two small pumps along with four large pumps at the MPS which provide potable water for the Village’s entire service area. Four of the six pumps, including pump #5, were scheduled for evaluation in 2014 as part of normal maintenance procedures. After evaluation by Utility Division staff, it was determined the problem existed somewhere below the pumping assembly. To facilitate further evaluation, Water Well Solutions Illinois Division of Elburn, Illinois was contacted and completed an initial review. In response, they submitted a proposal for the removal and complete evaluation in an amount of $4,600.
On April 16th & 17th Water Well Solutions removed pump #5 from the MPS for detailed evaluation. Upon completion of their inspection, it was found that the column pipes were significantly corroded and required replacement. On April 28th a proposal was received from Water Well solutions for the replacement of the column pipe, rehabilitation of the bowl assembly and motor, along with other ancillary items in the amount of $29,968. Utility Division staff has reviewed the findings and concurs with the recommendations for this emergency repair, which will begin upon Board approval.
This agenda item is being considered by the Public Works Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night. Village Board approval will be contingent upon receiving an approval recommendation at the Public Works Committee meeting.
Financial Impact
Funds for the initial evaluation are available in account #031-6002-443200; funds for the rehabilitation are available in account #031-6002-470600.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve waiving the bid process;
I move to approve to accept the proposals for the main pump station high service pump #5 emergency repairs ...
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