Large Tree Removal - Proposal
The Public Works Department is responsible for the removal of trees from Village owned properties that pose a danger to persons and property; specifically those trees damaged by wind and severe storms. In some instances the damaged trees are too large for staff to handle. In other cases, the location of the trees near creeks, ponds and even homes create safety concerns for our staff. These unique removals require the skills of qualified contractors that have specialized training, experience and equipment.
Staff has identified five (5) tree removals from recent storm events that meet the above criteria. Staff contacted (3) contractors and received prices for this work. Contractors submitting prices were; Homer Tree Care of Lockport, IL., $12,700; Smitty’s Tree Service of Alsip, IL., $17,400 ($16,500 if performed in winter Nov.2014 thru Feb. 2015); and Davey Tree and Lawn Care of Burr Ridge, IL. $16,800.
On October 6, 2014, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for Approval.
Financial Impact
There is sufficient funding in Board approved account line items 031-6007-443500 for this work.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve waiving the bid process;
Approve to accept the proposal from Homer Tree Care of Lockport, IL for the removal of five (5) trees along creeks and ponds at a not-to-exceed cost of $12,700.