Sportsplex Market Segmentation Report and Recommendations
As directed by the Village Board of Trustees, a market segmentation report and recommendations for the Sportsplex was completed and is attached for your review. The report includes a summary of the community and Sportsplex membership demographics, an overview of the Sportsplex facility amenities, a full inventory of the fitness center equipment including the current conditions of each piece, an overview of the feedback gleaned from the past two Sportsplex customer surveys, financial data and capital projects/purchases, and a recommendation for future improvements and investment based on feedback and analysis.
The Sportsplex was established in 2002 to provide a high quality fitness facility and satisfy a community recreation amenity for the Village of Orland Park. It spans more than 90,000 square feet with recreation programs, group rentals, special events, open gyms, individual programs and a membership-based fitness center. The market segmentation report serves as a basis for identifying the competitive advantage of the Sportsplex and its place in the fitness center market. It also serves as a guide in policy development in the areas of equipment replacement, program development and facility improvements for this community multi-purpose facility.
Demographics: The largest category of fitness center members is Orland Park Resident members with 86% of the total membership share. The most popular membership type is the Resident Senior Membership with 42% share of the total memberships (866 Resident Senior memberships). When analyzing the resident membership data by gender there is a nearly even split with 50.7% men and 49.3% women. As compared to Orland Park residents overall, seniors represent 16.4% of the overall population and there is an even split of adult males to females in our community. Sportsplex appears to trend very closely to the community demographics whil...
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