Mobile Workforce Tablets
As Village employees move from the desk to the field and become more mobile in their duties, there is a need to enhance the tools they have available today.
A new pilot program for Development Services Building Inspectors will replace their aged computers with one device that will enhance their ability to perform tasks, simply and consistently. Mobile tablets will give them access to email, Innoprise, and internal file systems. This will greatly enhance their productivity and reduce hardware costs and mobile/cellular costs while working in the field.
Inspectors will have the ability to work remotely through a secure virtual private network (VPN) connection back to Village resources by using Windows tablets (a mix of Surface Pro 4 and Windows mobile small form devices), allowing them to interact quickly and efficiently with the back office systems.
This will also reduce the inspectors' in-office time because they can utilize the tablet to complete their inspection reports and logs in the field, allowing for more time to schedule daily inspections.
Other departments such as Parks & Grounds, Public Works, and Recreation will be considered for PC replacement to Windows mobile devices in 2017.
The initial request includes three Surface Pro 4 devices for the following functions:
1 FTE Inspector
1 Shared between part-time inspectors,
1 Property Maintenance Inspector
Hardware is quoted in the amount $4,540.00 under the CDW-G contract.
There will be additional purchases needed for the remaining Inspectors in Development Services, as well as staff in Parks and Grounds, Public Works, and Recreation Departments. These mobile devices will replace existing desktop units that will be repurposed in other areas.
On February 6, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Technology, Innovation and Performance Improvement Comittee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
Funds were budgeted in 2017 ...
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