AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 6, Chapter 1, Section 1 OF THE ORLAND PARK VILLAGE CODE IN REGARD TO the Administrative general provisions of the Health Code
WHEREAS, The Village of Orland Park currently follows the 2013 FDA Food Code for its food service health regulations; and
WHEREAS, Section 6-501.115 of the 2013 FDA Food Code prohibits animals from entering the premises of food establishments with exceptions for fish and service/patrol animals; and
WHEREAS, the Development Services Department has received requests from local food service establishments to allow pet dogs at outdoor eating areas; and
WHEREAS, the amendment set out below provides safeguards for food service facilities that are requesting to provide dog friendly areas to their patrons; and
WHEREAS, the Village has determined that the amendment set out below is in the best interests of the Village and its residents and will enhance the public welfare.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, as follows:
The preambles set forth above are hereby expressly incorporated and adopted as if fully set forth herein.
Section 6-1-1-4 “Amendments to 77 Ill. Adm. Code 750” of the Orland Park Village Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:
6-1-1-4: Amendments to 77 Ill. adm. code 750:
The below listed Sections and Sub-sections are amended in the following respects:
1) Section 4-201.11 of the 2013 Food Code is amended to add at the end of the section: Food service equipment needs to be commercial grade and meet the standards regarding safe design, non-toxic materials, intended use, and workmanship established by one of the recognized accredited agencies for food service equipment unless otherwise approved by the Health Inspector upon inspection. These agencies include the National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF), Environmental Test...
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