Holiday Decorations Modified Scope of Work for 2014 Holiday Season
Bright Ideas has provided the installation, maintenance, takedown and storage of all village-owned holiday displays at the Village Hall, along Ravinia Avenue, and at Centennial Park since 2001. Bright Ideas staff members are on-site for the Mayor’s Annual Tree Lighting to work with Village staff to make sure all displays are turned on and in working order. The services that Bright Ideas provides are only for village-owned holiday displays, which include all of the ground displays that are located in Centennial Park and along Ravinia Drive. The street pole holiday banners and decorations, such as fantasy trees and toy soldiers with pole trim garland were separately contracted to be handled by Folgers Flag & Decorating, Inc. The Village also owns and installs 95 lit snowflakes 94th Avenue, 151st St and around the Downtown area.
Folgers Flag was expected to provide installation, removal and storage of the decorations and banners for the Village this season as part of a multi-year agreement. In August of this year, Folgers Flag notified staff that they will no longer be in business and will not be able to perform services for 2014-2015 season. Folgers allowed the Village to take possession of the unlit pole decorations (toy soldiers and fantasy trees with pole trim garland and holiday banners). The decorations are usually installed in locations including: Old Orland, 159th Street, 151st Street, 94th Avenue, and Ravinia Avenue; and the holiday banners are installed on the north side of 159th Street. Upon acquiring the decorations, staff inventoried the decorations and found some of the items were in poor and worn out condition. The decorations that were found in acceptable condition are being stored temporarily at the Public Works facility until a permanent storage location is designated.
Staff previously researched other companies in anticipation of a new bid for the installation, m...
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