Certified Local Government Annual Report FY 2016
Certified Local Government Annual Report FY 2016
Each year the Village of Orland Park submits a Certified Local Government (CLG) Annual Report to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency as part of the Village's commitment to the Certified Local Government status.
Attached to this staff report is the FY 2016 CLG Annual Report. It summarizes the historic preservation activity of the Village of Orland Park in a manner that demonstrates the Village's commitment to the Certified Local Government status it has held since 1987.
As a CLG, Orland Park receives support and technical assistance from the National Park Service and the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, and is eligible for federal grant funds for historic preservation projects.
The fiscal year 2016 began on January 1, 2016. The annual report is due sixty days after the close of FY 2016 on March 2, 2017. This report is presented to the Plan Commission on February 28, 2017 as a draft following initial circulation. Pending review, the report will be sent to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.
Recommended Action/Motion
No Motion