Special Event Permit for Orland Park Veterans Commission & Veterans Voices Medal of Honor Bus Event (over 100 people/per day)
At the December 6, 2021, Board meeting, the Village Board approved an ordinance amending the Special Events Permit authorizing the Village Manager to approve events under 100 persons and requires Village Board approval for larger events. Special events held on Village grounds are processed through Recreation and Parks, while events held not on Village grounds are processed through Development Services.
The Orland Park Veterans Commission & Veterans Voices will host the Medal of Honor Bus Event at Carl Sandburg High School for Orland Park School Districts. A guest speaker will talk about the education of the medal, criteria for the award, patriotism and military training and preparedness. The event will take place November 14, 15 and 16, all day Thursday and Friday and Saturday 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. Comfort animals may be onsite as well.
Financial Impact
The organizer will be subject to all applicable permits, staffing, and rental fees.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve permitting Orland Park Veterans Commission & Veterans Voices Medal of Honor Bus Event contingent upon meeting all the Village's permitting requirements, and inspections;
Approve the waiver of permit fees.