9925 143rd Street - On the Road Again Re-Roof - AIG (Canceled 04/16/2018)
9925 143rd Street - On the Road Again Re-Roof - AIG
(See COA 2018-0166)
Nancy Plesha - Property Owner
Melissa King
The purpose of this petition to obtain $4,250 in funding assistance to re-roof the commercial structure located at 9925 W. 143rd Street.
Requested Actions: Appearance Improvement Grant
Project Attributes
Address: 9925 W. 143rd Street
P.I.N.(s): 27-09-201-001; -002; -003
Lot: 7,500 square feet
Building: 1,700 square feet
Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Downtown Planning District
Comprehensive Land Designation: Neighborhood Mixed Use
Existing Zoning: OOH Old Orland Historic District
Existing Land Use: Commercial Retail / Office
Surrounding Land Use:
North: BIZ General Business District - School / Institutional
South: OOH Old Orland Historic District - (across alley) Single Family Home / Commercial Office
East: OOH Old Orland Historic District - Commercial Office
West: OOH Old Orland Historic District - (across Brook Avenue) Commercial Office / Single Family Home
According to the 2008 Residential Area Intensive Survey (RAI), the building at 9925 W. 143rd Street is a two-story Italianate structure in good condition with medium integrity. It was constructed circa 1885. The RAI lists this building as a contributing structure to the Old Orland Historic District. The structure is also listed as an Orland Park Landmark on the Local Register of Significant Places in Section 5-110 Landmarks of the Land Development Code. The building was originally constructed as a residence, but is now used for commercial retail. The RAI indicates minor alterations have taken place, including the installment of composition siding and non-original shutters.
In 2012, a Certificate of Appropriateness was approved to construct a 450 square foot deck expansion to the ex...
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