File #: 2017-0033    Version: 0 Name: Dunkin Donuts - Landscape Plan
File created: 1/11/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/6/2017 Final action: 2/6/2017
Title: /Name/Summary Dunkin Donuts - Landscape Plan
Attachments: 1. APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN, 2. PRI Approval Letter


Dunkin Donuts - Landscape Plan




This is a request for approval of a landscape plan for the Dunkin Donuts at 15615 Harlem Avenue.  The Village Board approved the Site Plan on March 7, 2016 with the following conditions:


1)  Add a sign at the drive-through exit to indicate the direction drive-through patrons should travel to exit to 71st Court.

2)  Connect all interior sidewalks to the public sidewalk networks on Harlem Avenue and 156th Street.

3)  Screen the garbage enclosure with landscaping from view of Harlem Avenue.

4)  Submit a traffic study prior to the project being forwarded to the Village Board of Trustees for final consideration.

5)  Screen all mechanical equipment at grade level with landscaping or on the rooftop with parapets from view of the surrounding public rights-of-way.

6)  Submit a final landscape plan, meeting all Village Codes, for separate review and approval within 60 days of final engineering approval.

7)  Meet all final engineering and building code related items.


Per Code requirements, the petitioner submitted a landscape plan that has been reviewed and approved by the Village’s Landscape Architect consulting firm.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to accept as findings of fact the findings of fact as set forth in this staff report dated February 6, 2017;




Approve the landscape plan titled, “Dunkin Donuts Landscape Plan Sheet L-1” drawn by IRG, Inc. and dated 11/22/2016.