Silver Lake Dells Annexation - Recommended Ordinance
The Village has identified approximately 52.94 acres (excluding public streets and roadways) of unincorporated parcels located in the Silver Lake South Planning District. These parcels qualify by the Illinois Statute, for annexation through municipal ordinance. An ordinance authorizing annexation is now presented to the Village for consideration.
An annexation study was conducted by the Village in 2007 and subsequently updated in 2022. In 2024, staff presented the findings to the Village Board. The Village Board, in February of 2024, directed staff to pursue unilateral annexation of several properties.
If annexed into the Village, the Comprehensive Plan calls for the area to be zoned R3. The area is designated as a neutral priority annexation opportunity. Currently, the existing land use of the area are single family residential uses.
Each area eligible for unilateral annexation was evaluated for annexation potential based on factors including, development quality concerns, fiscal impact on village, environmental issues, nuisance issues, natural resource protection, Village preferred land use and utility serviceability.
Therefore, it is recommended that the properties identified in this ordinance be annexed and uses of the property be subject to Village Ordinances.
Original Motion:
I move to recommend to the Village Board to adopt an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE ANNEXING PROPERTY (SILVER LAKE DELLS - 80TH AVENUE AND 151st STREET - SURROUNDED UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY).
Financial Impact
Based on the 2022 annexation study, no financial impacts have been considered.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to postpone further consideration of the annexation of Silver Lake Dells properties until such time the Board deems appropriate for this matter.