Special Event Insurance - Taste of Orland 2016
The Horton Group provides insurance brokerage services to the Village of Orland Park. As part of this service they offer coverage for the Taste of Orland Park. General Liability and Terrorism coverage will be provided by Scottsdale Insurance Company for the period August 5-7, 2016 for a total cost of $5,276.00.
This agenda item is being considered by the Parks & Recreation Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night. Village Board approval will be contingent upon receiving an approval recommendation at the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting.
Financial Impact
Funds in the amount of $5,600 have been budgeted in the 2016 Taste of Orland Special Event Premium account 010-9400-452850.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the quote from The Horton Group for General Liability and Terrorism insurance coverage for the Taste of Orland 2016 in the amount of $5,276.00.