Mason Lane Storm Water Improvements - Design Engineering Proposal
Over several years, Public Works has received many complaints from residents regarding poor drainage on Yorktown Drive in the Heritage Estates subdivision, Mason Lane in the Georgin Woods subdivision, Vintage Court in The Villa’s Subdivision and Blue Spruce Court in the Evergreen View Subdivision. Prior to the development of the area, a natural overland flow route existed to convey water between a wetland at approximately 9100 143rd Street to Schussler Park in the Fairway Estates subdivision (exhibit attached). Years of filling, sedimentation and overgrowth have resulted in ponding and poor conveyance of storm water. Storm sewers from 143rd Street also rely on this natural route to convey water away from the road. Management of the area is difficult because it crosses over property with five (5) different owners. Access is limited from the individual developments but it can be reached from public property at each end of the problem drainage area.
The village requested a proposal for engineering design services from Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) of Rosemont, Illinois. CBBEL has already performed a high level review of the drainage area as part of their retainer. This drainage area is also contiguous to the recently completed Maycliff Stage 1 and 2 Storm Water Improvement Projects. The village received the attached proposal from CBBEL for design, permitting and construction services in an estimated amount of $95,760. Staff has reviewed the proposal and finds it to be of good value for the scope of work.
The village tentatively plans to bid the improvement work which potentially includes replacing an existing 15” storm sewer between Yorktown Drive and 143rd Street, defining a flow path from 143rd towards Schussler Park, and removing an existing “Dead End” of roadway, sidewalk and storm sewer on 144th Place.
On May 21, 2018, this item was reviewed by the...
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