CHC Wellbeing - Wellness Screening
CHC Wellbeing has been utilized by the Village to provide wellness screenings for Village employees. Employees and insured spouses that complete wellness screenings are eligible for continuation of their health insurance premium at the wellness rate. The services provided by CHC Wellness are as follows: Comprehensive Biometric Screening, Health Risk Assessment, Individual Reporting, Aggregate company level specialized reporting, web portal administration and access, health coaching access, e-learning access, nutrition and activity tracker.
Financial Impact
The overall contract cost will fluctuate based on the number of participants. The cost per participant is $140.00 for 2024, plus other miscellaneous administrative fees throughout the duration of the contract.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve a contract with CHC Wellbeing to provide wellness screenings for one (1) year with a cost per participant rate of $140.00 plus other miscellaneous administrative fees for a total amount of $33,000.00 for 2024;
Authorize the Village Manager to execute said agreements, subject to Village Attorney review.