File #: 2017-0662    Version: 0 Name: Centennial Park Aquatic Center Zero Depth Pool Filtration Pump Repair
File created: 9/11/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 9/18/2017 Final action: 9/18/2017
Title: Centennial Park Aquatic Center Zero Depth Pool Filtration Pump Repair
Attachments: 1. Quote


Centennial Park Aquatic Center Zero Depth Pool Filtration Pump Repair




The filtration pump for the Zero Depth pool was damaged in early August of this season. Damage was caused by a lanyard and small child toy being sucked into the shafting and causing extensive damage to the impeller and other areas of the pump.  Staff was able to work with our vendor to compile a temporary pump to keep our flow rates within the mandated level.  Staff received a cost of $9,572.00 from Thomas Pump of Romeoville for the repair work to the pump.  The emergency repair is being completed and the pump will be installed as soon as it returns.


This agenda item is being considered by the Parks & Recreation Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.



Financial Impact

Funds for the repair are available in the 2017 Pool Budget account 283-4005-443150 and 283-4005-443200



Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the quote from Thomas Pump in the amount not to exceed $9,572.00 for the repair work of the Centennial Park Aquatic Center Zero Depth Pool filtration pump.