Traffic Signal Maintenance for Village/ State/County Roadways Renewal
As part of the Village’s intergovernmental agreements with the State of Illinois (State) and Cook County (County), the Village is responsible for shared costs of traffic signal maintenance on state and county roadways. The Village’s cost is determined by the jurisdictional percentage of the intersecting streets. For instance, on 151st Street at LaGrange Road, the Village pays for 50% of the cost of maintenance due to 151st Street east and west being owned by the Village. The County utilizes the same formula for maintenance costs on shared jurisdiction roadways.
Additionally, the Public Works Department contracts out the maintenance for thirteen (13) Village-owned traffic control signal systems. The Village has traditionally utilized the same contractor to perform maintenance that is selected through the bid process by the State and the County.
Meade Electric of McCook, IL (Meade) has performed this work for the State, County and Village for many years, and its contract with the State expires on December 31, 2021. The State held its bid opening on November 5, 2021, and Meade was again the successful bidder. The State’s contract is only for the 2022 calendar year.
Meade has submitted the attached service agreement extension for 2022, holding its 2020 rate of $177.00 per intersection per month for the Village.
Staff recommends renewing the contract for 2022. The service agreement provides the same timeframe and similar level of maintenance service that Meade provides under the State and County agreements. The cost of repairs due to damage or failure is above and beyond the scope of this proposal and is determined on a case by case basis.
Financial Impact
Upon approval of the 2022 Fiscal Year Budget, sufficient funds will be allocated in account 010-5002-443700 for the maintenance and repair of traffic signals.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the ...
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