File #: 2014-0208    Version: Name: 159th Street & LaGrange Road Street Light and Traffic Signal Improvement Engineering - Proposal Award
File created: 4/2/2014 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 4/21/2014 Final action: 4/21/2014
Title: 159th Street & LaGrange Road Street Light and Traffic Signal Improvement Engineering - Proposal Award
Attachments: 1. V3 Proposal - Signal, Street Sign, Light Pole - 2014 0328, 2. LaGrange Rd - 159th St to 158th VOP Pole Conversion, 3. V3 Companies - TRAFFIC SIGNALS Illuminated Stree Names
159th Street & LaGrange Road Street Light and Traffic Signal Improvement Engineering - Proposal Award

As part of the LaGrange Road Corridor Improvement Project, the existing street lights and traffic signals will be upgraded and replaced with black poles. Lighted street name signs will also be included at signalized intersections. These changes are consistent with the recently completed 143rd Street Intersection Improvement Project. A portion of LaGrange Road, including the intersections of 159th Street and 158th Street, was previously improved as part of a separate project but did not include the upgrade to black poles. These two intersections have typical aluminum and unpainted steel poles and standard street name signs.

To provide consistency throughout the corridor, 26 street lights need to be upgraded to black along with the traffic signal standards at the LaGrange Road intersections of 159th Street and 158th Street (plan attached). Lighted street name signs also need to be retrofitted to the existing traffic signals. Because LaGrange Road is a state road, engineering must be approved and permitting obtained from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). To complete the engineering and permitting process, request for proposals (RFP) were solicited from five (5) engineering firms. The following three responses were received: V3 Companies of Woodridge, Illinois - $9,316.21; URS Corporation of Chicago, Illinois - $15,100.00; Globetrotters Engineering Corporation of Chicago, Illinois - $25,655.00. The engineering proposals also assume responsibility for the preparation of construction documents, bid documents, specifications and permitting and coordination with IDOT.

After review of the submitted proposals, staff recommends accepting the proposal from V3 Companies of Woodridge, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $9,316.21.

On April 7, 2014, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the...

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