File #: 2018-0335    Version: Name: 2017 Flow Monitoring Program Additional Meter Repair Payment - RJN Group Inc.
File created: 5/11/2018 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 6/4/2018 Final action: 6/4/2018
Title: 2017 Flow Monitoring Program Additional Meter Repair Payment - RJN Group Inc.
Attachments: 1. Monitoring Invoice 309112, 2. RJN Tracking Sheet 04-17-18


2017 Flow Monitoring Program Additional Meter Repair Payment - RJN Group Inc.



On March 20, 2017, the Board awarded the 2017 Sanitary Flow Monitoring to RJN Group Inc. of Wheaton, Illinois (RJN) in the amount of $82,300. Flow monitoring, in short, determines if there are differences in sanitary sewer flows during dry and wet weather conditions. The primary purpose of the flow monitoring project is to provide the Village with a comprehensive and comparative assessment of the sanitary sewers. 


The village has 13-meter locations of sanitary flow monitoring. The village has purchased 6 of the 13 flow meters needed. RJN provide the balance of the meters needed through the program cost. The village owned flow meters are used for the long-term evaluation of the sanitary sewer system. 


During the monitoring, RJN noticed a failure of one of the village owned flow meters. In order to expedite the repair, staff requested RJN to assist the village by removing, repairing and reinstalling the meter. The cost for the repair is $980.67. The repair was included in the invoice of the 2017 Sanitary Flow Monitoring by RJN. The unexpected repair to the flow meter exceeds the approved not-to-exceed amount for the program by $487.50.


On May 21, 2018, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

There is sufficient funding in the FY17 budget line item 031-6003-443800 to accommodate this work.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve an increase of the contract amount with RJN Group Inc. of Wheaton, Illinois for the 2017 Sanitary Flow Monitoring Services in an amount not to exceed $487.50 for additional meter repairs.