File #: 2017-0022    Version: Name: Stellwagen Farm Perimeter Path Construction Engineering
File created: 1/6/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/6/2017 Final action: 2/6/2017
Title: /Name/Summary Stellwagen Farm Perimeter Path Construction Engineering
Attachments: 1. Stellwagen Path Construction Proposal, 2. Christopher B Burke - Signed Contract - C17-0045 2017-0022 Stellwagen Farm Connector Path


Stellwagen Farm Perimeter Path Construction Engineering



In 2013 the Village awarded Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) a design engineering contract for the Stellwagen Farm perimeter path. The construction documents are complete and have been reviewed by both Village Staff and Stellwagen Foundation members. The approved FY 2017 capital improvement budget includes funds for the construction and construction engineering of the perimeter path. Staff anticipates soliciting bids for the construction of the path in Spring 2017 with construction to take place mid to late summer. This would avoid the farm spring planting season as well as the fall harvest. The estimated cost of the path is $625,000. Staff will introduce a new agenda item once the construction project is bid and evaluated for award with the actual bid cost.


The CBBEL construction engineering proposal will coordinate and manage the construction of the Stellwagen perimeter path to ensure the path is being built and paid per the contract specifications. The scope includes providing pre-bid services such as responding to design questions by potential bidders and assisting staff in evaluating the bid documents. The proposal is attached for reference.


On January 16, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

The design and engineering services proposed by CBBEL will cost $28,000. Construction engineering funds are included in the approved FY 2017 capital budget.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve awarding a construction engineering services contract for the Stellwagen Farm perimeter path construction to Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. of Rosemont Illinois for $28,000;




Approve authorizing the Interim Village Manager to sign the contract.