Police Garage Variance
The Village has received a request for a variance from the Village Code, 5-1-13 amendments for a proposed 1,238 sf. garage/office addition to an existing 865 square feet classroom building located at 15655 Ravinia Avenue. This site is Village property being used by the Police Department (satellite photo attached building A) and is not visible from the street as it is located bhind a berm to the rear of the Public Works property.
The addition planned to building “A” is requesting to use exterior walls of wood framing (studs) and vinyl siding materials with no plan for a masonry veneer as required by Sections 501.3.2 and 503.2.1 of our Village Building Code amendments attached below. This Construction Type is also classified as “5” (Section 602.5 of 2012/IBC) and not permitted in non-residential buildings.
The combined spaces for this building’s addition equal 2,103 square feet of ground footprint area. This building’s location is near the existing Police Gun Range (satellite photo building B).
The architect’s e-mail attached indicates an alternate (as highlighted), for replacing the existing 865 sf. building’s siding with a fiber cement board with no specified thickness. This request is to vary the masonry types of materials required for an accessory detached garage and storage building when not a residential use.
The variance is being requested as the existing wood structures were in 2003. Section 503.2.1 allows detached garages for multi-family residential buildings to use wood framing (with restrictions) with an anchored masonry veneer exterior surface. This may have been the basis for the original construction.
If approved by the Village Board, this variance would allow an extension to an existing non-conforming accessory building of wood framing without brick veneer exterior materials as summarized in Village Code 5-1-13, amended Sections:
501.3.2 “Exterior Walls All Other Uses”
503.2.1 “Gen...
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