Schussler Park Phase ll Construction Engineering Amendment #4
On January 16, 2023, the Village Board approved a contract with Wight & Co. to provide Construction Engineering Services and oversight (item 2022-1009) for Schussler Park Phase l and Centennial Park West construction. In December 2023, the contract with Wight was extended to August 31, 2024, in anticipation of a later project completion date at both sites.
On May 20, 2024, the Board approved the purchase and construction of the restroom building (item 2024-0395) as a part of phase l work. The building had been planned as a part of phase ll, however, available project contingency funds allowed for the facility to be completed as a part of phase l.
Wight's contract was then extended a second time to February 28, 2025, for engineering services related to the restroom/storage room facility.
Wight presented the attached quote which outlines services requested by the Village for work above the phase l scope of work (attached), and construction administration services to be performed during the construction of the Romtec restroom/storage building at Schussler Park.
Staff seek approval to compensate Wight for services performed above the initial phase l scope of work at the Village's request, and to amend the contract with Wight & Co. to perform construction administrative services during the building of the restroom/storage facility, as defined in the attached proposal in the amount of $24,800.
Financial Impact
A future budget amendment will be required to fund this expense.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve authorizing contract amendment #4 with Wight & Co. for an amount not to exceed $24,800 for service above the initial phase l scope of work, and phase ll construction administrative services related to the construction of the Romtec restroom/storage building
To authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts, subject to Village Attorney review.
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