Orland Ridge - Special Use Permit Ordinance
On April 1, 2019, the Village Board of Trustees approved the Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Elevations, Preliminary Plat of Subdivision and the six (6) Special Use Permits with Modifications to the Land Development Code for Orland Ridge. The 57.72- acre mixed-use planned development includes one hundred and four (104) attached dwelling units, one hundred and ninety (190) attached townhome units, a clubhouse, a conceptual site plan for up to a six (6) story and up to one hundred and twenty-two (122) room hotel, a conceptual site plan for a commercial area that includes up to 19,000 square feet of commercial retail space and up to 26,625 square feet of restaurant space. The subject property is generally located at the northeast corner of 171st Street and LaGrange Road (16727-16801 S. La Grange Road).
On April 15, 2019, the Village Board of Trustees approved the rezoning of the 57.72-acre property from E-1 Estate Residential Zoning District to the COR Mixed Use Zoning District. The motion to approve the rezoning for Orland Ridge was inadvertently left out of the recommended motion at the original public hearing at Plan Commission on February 19, 2019, or at the Development Services, Planning, and Engineering Committee meeting on March 18, 2019. As a result, the motion for rezoning was taken separately back to the Plan Commission and Board of Trustees for approval.
On April 6, 2020, the Village Board approved an amendment to the previously approved Site Plan, Landscape Plan, and Special Use Permits with Modifications for Orland Ridge. The changes include alterations to the detention pond and to the adjacent cul-de-sac located at the northeast corner of the property as a result of final engineering, and changes to the previously approved public art component of the project. Two new Modifications to the Land Development Code were approved, including an increase to the side slope of the pond located...
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