Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Parks and Recreation Committee (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/20/2015 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Village Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Committee Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2015-0213 0 Approval of the March 16, 2015 Parks and Recreation MinutesMOTIONApproval of the March 16, 2015 Parks and Recreation Minutes   Not available
2015-0250 01.Roof Replacement (TPO) for Village Hall, George Brown Commons, Old Village Hall and Centennial Park Aquatic Center BidMOTIONRoof Replacement (TPO) for Village Hall, George Brown Commons, Old Village Hall and Centennial Park Aquatic Center Bid   Not available
2015-0242 02.Dogwood Park Playground Redesign RFP ResultsMOTIONDogwood Park Playground Redesign RFP Results   Not available
2015-0201 03.Recreation Administration HVAC Repair PartsMOTIONRecreation Administration HVAC Repair Parts   Not available
2015-0205 04.Wireless Keltron Fire AlarmsMOTIONWireless Keltron Fire Alarms   Not available
2015-0200 05.Native Landscape Stewardship 2015, 2016, and 2017 for the Orland Park Police Station, 15100 Ravinia AvenueMOTIONNative Landscape Stewardship 2015, 2016, and 2017 for the Orland Park Police Station, 15100 Ravinia Avenue   Not available
2015-0248 06.Storm Water Basin Management RFP Award - Julie Ann PondMOTIONStorm Water Basin Management RFP Award - Julie Ann Pond   Not available
2015-0243 07.Centennial Park Aquatic Center Concession Furniture PurchaseMOTIONCentennial Park Aquatic Center Concession Furniture Purchase   Not available
2015-0252 08.Orland Park Concert Event - The City Lights OrchestraMOTIONOrland Park Concert Event - The City Lights Orchestra   Not available
2015-0253 09.Summer 2015 Program Brochure - DistributionMOTIONSummer 2015 Program Brochure - Distribution   Not available
2015-0258 010.Chefs' Auction Donation to The Bridge Teen CenterMOTIONChefs' Auction Donation to The Bridge Teen Center   Not available
2015-0181 011.Special Recreation Christmas Dinner DanceMOTIONSpecial Recreation Christmas Dinner Dance   Not available