Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Trustees Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/2/2015 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Village Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Board Agenda
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2015-0064 0 Approval of the January 19, 2015 Regular Meeting MinutesMOTIONApproval of the January 19, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes   Not available
2015-0070 0 Community Pride Awards - Girls with GearsMOTIONCommunity Pride Awards - Girls with Gears   Not available
2015-0071 0 Community Pride Awards - Providence Catholic High School FootballMOTIONCommunity Pride Awards - Providence Catholic High School Football   Not available
2015-0076 0A.Payroll - ApprovalMOTIONPayroll - Approval   Not available
2015-0077 0B.Accounts Payable - ApprovalMOTIONAccounts Payable - Approval   Not available
2015-0047 1C.Intergovernmental Agreement with School District 230 for Placement of an Outdoor Weather Siren at Carl Sandburg High School - AgreementMOTIONIntergovernmental Agreement with School District 230 for Placement of an Outdoor Weather Siren at Carl Sandburg High School - Agreement   Not available
2015-0035 1D.Centennial Park Ball Field Scoreboards AwardMOTIONCentennial Park Ball Field Scoreboards Award   Not available
2015-0041 1E.Dugout Shade StructuresMOTIONDugout Shade Structures   Not available
2015-0034 1F.Goal Posts at John Humphrey ComplexMOTIONGoal Posts at John Humphrey Complex   Not available
2015-0048 1G.Recreation Department Program Guide - Summer 2015 ProgramsMOTIONRecreation Department Program Guide - Summer 2015 Programs   Not available
2014-0728 2H.Pizza Hut Special Use Permit - OrdinanceORDINANCEORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT - PIZZA HUT (7842 159TH STREET)   Not available
2014-0727 2I.Paddy B’s Restaurant Special Use Permit Amendment - OrdinanceORDINANCEORDINANCE GRANTING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT - PADDY B’S RESTAURANT AND PUB (11967 - 11975 W. 143RD STREET)   Not available
2015-0051 1J.Renewal of Build Orland ProgramMOTIONRenewal of Build Orland Program   Not available
2015-0049 1K.151st Street at West Avenue Roundabout Study - Phase I Engineering ServicesMOTION151st Street at West Avenue Roundabout Study - Phase I Engineering Services   Not available
2015-0050 1L.Main Street District Traffic/Parking Consultant Services - Addendum #2MOTIONMain Street District Traffic/Parking Consultant Services - Addendum #2   Not available
2015-0072 0M.Deer Haven Estates - Landscape PlanMOTIONDeer Haven Estates - Landscape Plan   Not available